Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jesus Calls Us

I love the words to this song.

"Jesus Calls Us; o'er the Tumult"
by Cecil F. Alexander, 1823-1895

Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult
Of our life's wild, restless sea,
Day by day His sweet voice soundeth,
Saying, "Christian, follow Me."

As of old Saint Andrew heard it
By the Galilean lake,
Turned from home and toil and kindred.
Leaving all for His dear sake.

Jesus calls us from the worship
Of the vain world's golden stole.
From each idol that would keep us,
Saying, "Christian, love Me more."

In our joys and in our sorrows,
Days of toll and hours of ease,
Still He calls, in cares and pleasures,
"Christian, love Me more than these."

Jesus calls us; by Thy mercies,
Savior, make us hear Thy call,
Give our hearts to Thine obedience,
Serve and love Thee best of all. Amen.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Worship. After taking a break from leading worship corporately I have had a different perspective of worship appear. First off, it is my passion to lead worship, but I have recently ran into the big doubt of, "maybe I'm not called to do it anymore?" Or maybe I'm not good enough? Maybe I'm too different? Maybe I'm typical? No one is "engaging" when I play my songs, and all of a sudden it's a failure! All of a sudden the worship is not successful! We are down 10 people, and maybe it's cause I played too many slow songs? Maybe people just don't like music? Let's try something different, and let's make it succeed this time.

But why try to succeed? Isn't worship and singing supposed to be valuable time spent with God, our Father? When I spend time with the people I love, it's not measured on how good the food was, or how fun was the board game. It's just us relating, encouraging, laughing, crying, dancing, eating, walking, joking, etc. I don't look at the time I spend with the ones I love a success or failure, it's just their presence that is enjoyable. So why do that with God?

I think it's cause a lot of the times I forget what God has delivered me from, and how many times he has encouraged me to play music and do what I do. I'm more outgoing than I used to be, I can carry a conversation, I can write a song, I can listen and try to be aware of other's feelings, I try to encourage, and there is so much more that God is responsible for! I forget all about it though. I'm trying to remember. Then I will be satisfied with His presence, and our time together will never be measured.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Flickr, Photography, and Favories

In my free time I like to browse through the picture on Flickr, and it amazes me some of the pictures these people take. I don't consider myself a good photographer at all, because I haven't tried to work on the craft much, and I have yet to develop a style. Hopefully, someday I will be content with my photos, and develop my own style, but in the meantime I'll enjoy the works of others. The pictures above are my favorites.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Song of the Week: Ohio- Damien Jurado


Out from my window across from the city
I have what's considered a good view
Two blocks from the subway, three from the fountain
Where I walk to break in new shoes

She stands on the sidewalk just waving at taxis
Like horses in parades in passing
I ask where she's headed she tells me,
"Ohio, I've not seen my mother in ages
It's been a long time, a real long time."

Out from my window "How far is Ohio?"
She laughed and pointed out east
She said, "I grew up there with my dear mother
And I haven't seen her since thirteen.

You see, I was taken while she lay sleeping
By my father's hired man
We moved to city so far from my family
I haven't been back there since.
It's been a long time, a real long time."

Out from my window please hear me Ohio
Your daughter wants to come home
She longs to be with you to hug you to kiss you
To never leave her alone

And I've gotten know her to live with to love her
It's hard to see her leave
She belongs to her mother and the state of Ohio
I wish she belonged to me

See you sometime, see you sometime

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Shadow and Night Fire

The new album artwork is in the works, and what you see is what I've kinda thrown together. The album will be 10 songs,(free downloadable) and the focus is Bible stories. The title "The Shadow and Night Fire" is the title track, and I saw it fitting for this record and it's mood. Throughout the record it somewhat jumps between dark and bright, tones, and feelings. The song is taken from the story in Exodus when God leads his people as a cloud, and as a fire at night.

In this record, I really want to shift attention away from me, and I desire no credit for these songs. For me, it's about what God has done with me and everything, and He is the real creator, not me. I've always been fascinated with the Bible, and to this day it remains my encouragement and hope. So I'm extremely excited to share the stories(well, they are really way more than stories) with everyone. I want to share the music with everyone, and I think it will be well recepted. It doesn't matter where, anywhere is where I'll play, and what's funny is the churches(except for a select few) are the ones I never get booking responses from, you figure they would be interested? It makes me somewhat discouraged and sad. Anyways, It's a long ways from being finished, but join us in prayer and keep this in your thoughts as we make it.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


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